Thursday, 6 January 2011

Rain, Rain, Rain...

So why does it rain all the time? In Britain, rain seems to be the prominent weather. Well, maybe not. I would say cloudy and overcast conditions are probably the most common type of weather you see here but there is a hell of a lot of rain. Certainly, sunshine, is near the bottom when it comes to the different weather conditions.

In London, you see a fair share of rain but not as much as in Manchester. You speak to a Mancunian, they would tell you they are glad not to be there any more. Some say the weather in London is paradise (but that is probably pushing it a little!).

A friend of mine was saying, places around the world where the weather is predominately warm, life is apparently 20% better. It its the case, I would probably like to emigrate to the USA . It could be a good place to go as some parts are really hot, especially some of the Coastal regions like Los Angeles or Miami. That is somewhere I'd love to go.

Or perhaps Canada is a better alternative. They say Canada is a more peaceful version of the States. But I believe most parts Canada are cold so I think its best to stick to USA.

I am writing this because as I look out of the window of the train, it is pouring down. Its the expected weather for the whole day. That is shocking. On a brighter note, I am more tolerant to this then snow...lets not even go there.

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