Tuesday, 11 January 2011

My Flat...

I live in a twenty story flat with my apartment right at the top. It is nice to live here as it has beautiful views. Though I live about a good 10 -15 miles from the city centre, I can get a good view of the city. I can see all big buildings such as the HSBC building which represents the financial heartland.

This is where the bankers are based. Yes those people that bought the country and the globe to an almost standstill by lending to people they should never have and effectively gambling with finances. But at least, from their point of view they made tonnes of money. It seems the bonus culture which diminished after the start of the recession is once again  back but that is another story.

Anyway back to my flat. I like the fact it is easy to maintain and run. I remember living previously in a 4 bedroom house, the cleaning was an absolute chore. With a big house, I had to spend a many hours each week just for cleaning and which quite frankly madness. Downsizing has been a really good thing, a two bedroom flat is perfect for my needs. All parts of the home are put to use and there is no areas of the home go unused.

The flat consist of two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living / dining room, the kitchen and the bathroom. There is no garden but it does have a balcony which offer the most beautiful of views.

Flats seem popular with young people especially dwellers living alone or as a couple. People only seem to choose houses when starting a family and where bigger accommodation is required.

I for some reason bought a house only to find it too large and having to downsize which has suited circumstances perfectly well.

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