It just seems to be time passes very quickly. Looking back, I was 16, what seems like a short while ago. I am now 30. It just shows life goes by very quickly. What this says to me is that you have live in the moment and enjoy it. It is no point thinking, something will come along in the future or that life will be great in the future. Because while you are pondering all this, the clock is ticking. The clock is indeed ticking.
Personally I have goals that need to be achieved and that only happens by taking action now. In fact one should take massive action. Go full steam is what I have to say. Don't ponder or hesitate or even wait. Take action and do it.
So what does it all mean? As the advert for Nike says 'Just do it'. Indeed go ahead and do it. Not today, not tomorrow, not next year. Do it NOW. Don't put off things and procrastinate. Just do it. This is perhaps why Nike are where they are today. It comes down to them doing it.
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